When it comes to your home, it is essential always to look its best. That is why CLE Power Wash is your reliable pressure washing company that provides top-quality cleaning results for your home. Our team of power washing professionals will work to ensure your 100% satisfaction by enhancing the external surface of your home with our pressure washing and soft washing services.
Utilizing our pressure washing technology, we can pressure wash any exterior surface on your residential property. From siding, driveways, roofs, decks, and more, you can rely on us to make any surface sparkling clean.
Utilizing our pressure washer equipment, we can clean the exterior of your home and remove the dirt and grime with our pressure washing and softwashing services.
If your deck has become covered in dirt and has an overall grimy appearance, let us pressure wash your outdoor deck or patio in order to make it an appealing place to hang out with your friends or family once again.
If your driveway is looking discolored or stained, don't let it become the shame of the neighborhood. Our pressure washing professionals can clean your driveway and make it look clean once again.
Taking care of the exterior concrete of your home is important to your property's overall value. To improve their look and prolong their lifespan, let our professionals help you clean the concrete areas of your property and seal them in order to have them looking better for longer.
The texture of stucco and dryvit allow for dirt and debris to gather along its surface over time. If left alone, dirt and mold can even cause permanent staining and discoloration. That is why we offer stucco and dryvit cleaning to help protect and clean your homes exterior surface.
Window Cleaning
Enjoy cleaner windows with our window cleaning services. Our window cleaning experts utilize their skill and expertise to transform your dirty windows and to sparkling clean windows that improve their appearance, light quality, and even upgrade your property value.
Your fence is a costly investment that you want to ensure the appearance and overall durability remains in top shape. Our professionals can utilize pressure washing services to remove dirt, mold, algae, and other debris from your fence while using soft washing services to apply algae killing chemicals to prevent the growth of algae, mildew, mold, and moss in the future.
CLE Power Wash is the number one rated pressure washing company in the Cleveland area. We care the most about our customers satisfaction and happiness. Please give us a call today at 440-343-4392 for a free quote today!
Address: 21640 Riviera Dr Fairview Park, OH 44126